
Saturday, November 12, 2016

GED 512 - First 5 Weeks

Over the past five weeks, I learned a lot about html and css.  I really felt that the experience of working with coding is very beneficial.  I completely have a new understanding and appreciation of web pages.  In the past, I would not even think about how web pages were created or designed.  I assumed that it was a very simple process, but I soon discovered that creating even a simple web page requires a lot of different coding processes.

I have really enjoyed working on the weekly assignments.  It really has helped me become more hands-on with learning the code.  I especially enjoyed the assignment with "Jen's Kitchen".
Jen's Kitchen was very helpful because not only did it help me with coding, but I really learned a lot with linking different documents together.  I learned how to link documents that are not in the same folder.  I feel that by linking the documents, it really builds a much deeper layer in the webpage.  The different pages in the webpage makes it look more professional.

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