
Monday, November 21, 2016

Professional Learning Networks

Throughout this course, I feel that twitter has been one of the most useful tools in creating a professional learning network.  Twitter has allowed me to look at various math teaching ideas and techniques to use in the classroom.  Also, I am able to keep current with math news or discoveries that I can use as an anticipatory set in the classroom.  I feel that this blog has been useful in putting my ideas out there for everyone to read.  I also like how we can respond and comment on other blogs.  It really allows a sense of community of various thoughts and ideas.  Digg was also a very good tool to do blog searches and keep everything organized.  I used Digg to help me look up "Middle School Math" ideas that other teachers have tried in their classrooms.  It is a great way to keep up with the math teaching community.

I want to experiment with Twitter in my classroom.  I see that this can be a very valuable tool to communicate with my students and for my students to be able to get instant feedback from their ideas.  Twitter is a wonderful way for my students to build a community with a common goal.  I image to use Twitter to respond to important math events that may come up.  I can also post a question requiring students to respond in a certain time.  However, my concern is that not all students may have access to this technology.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

To Twitter or Not to Twitter?

Twitter is a wonderful way to follow people and experience their thoughts of certain topics.  Twitter is useful in staying connected with people and the limited word count is a great way for people to put out their thoughts with a small message.  My experience with Twitter is very limited.  My first use of Twitter was actually from a few months ago when Pokemon Go was extremely popular.  I created an account and followed certain people that posted rare Pokemon sightings and locations.

I recently explored Twitter some more and looked into the education aspect of Twitter.  Twitter can be useful in classroom discussions about hot topics such as giving opinions on the importance of homework, testing, or classwork.  Also, educators can use Twitter to keep their students connected with everyday topics.  I found important discussions about education on Twitter and even topics about everyday math events and topics.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

GED 512 - First 5 Weeks

Over the past five weeks, I learned a lot about html and css.  I really felt that the experience of working with coding is very beneficial.  I completely have a new understanding and appreciation of web pages.  In the past, I would not even think about how web pages were created or designed.  I assumed that it was a very simple process, but I soon discovered that creating even a simple web page requires a lot of different coding processes.

I have really enjoyed working on the weekly assignments.  It really has helped me become more hands-on with learning the code.  I especially enjoyed the assignment with "Jen's Kitchen".
Jen's Kitchen was very helpful because not only did it help me with coding, but I really learned a lot with linking different documents together.  I learned how to link documents that are not in the same folder.  I feel that by linking the documents, it really builds a much deeper layer in the webpage.  The different pages in the webpage makes it look more professional.